Three benefits of cohesion in business



Cohesion is defined as the action or fact of forming a united whole.

Being mindful about cohesion when setting up marketing, branding, store policies, services and products offered, and processes will be a success gamechanger.



Simplify for the business

The first person we worry about is the business provider. Is your business simple and easy for you to run on the daily?

  • If you keep cohesion in mind, curbing impulses of additionals will save you headaches in the long run.  Cohesion in systems will make expanding and scaling in time a much simpler process. Small examples of this include a labeling system for inventory, products, marketing materials, and more. Keeping the labels consistent makes items searchable on computers keeps employees organized with each other, and makes any other parties (accountants, auditors, and others) understand immediately after seeing two or three labels. 


The Customer

Have you ever been to a restaurant whose menu is all over the place, the decore is from the previous restaurant and the waiter is having trouble telling you what is in your dish? It can be completely distracting for a customer to figure out what you and your company do. When you keep things streamlined, a customer can understand your brand and decide very quickly if they love you or would like to move on. Even if they are going to move on, this saves you time as a business owner to focus on your ideal customer.


Keeping things cohesive is like adding a pair of blinders to a horse.